On this page you can find documentation and publications on our markets and our company. Some files are only available to members after you log in to the Member Area.
Decoding Power Markets
2021/10 - Factsheet on Power Market Designpdf - 1.52 MB1.52 MBDownload
2021/10 - Factsheet Strommarktdesignpdf - 2.42 MB2.42 MBDownload
2021/10 - Fiche d'informations marché d'électricitépdf - 2.00 MB2.00 MBDownload
2022/11 - Factsheet Innovation and 3D trendspdf - 370.39 KB370.39 KBDownload
2022/11 - Factsheet What is a Power Exchange?pdf - 295.94 KB295.94 KBDownload
2022/11 - Factsheet What is the EU IEM?pdf - 291.38 KB291.38 KBDownload
2014/02 - Renewable support schemes in Germanypdf - 317.47 KB317.47 KBDownload
2014/04 - Security of Supply during the Solar Eclipsepdf - 2.38 MB2.38 MBDownload
2014/07 - Stellungnahme: Festlegungsverfahren zur Änderung des Bilanzkreisvertragspdf - 141.42 KB141.42 KBDownload
2015/02 - Direktvermarktung an der Europäischen Strombörsepdf - 1.17 MB1.17 MBDownload
2015/02 - Stellungnahme Grünbuchpdf - 521.08 KB521.08 KBDownload
2015/02 - Ten Considerations by EPEX SPOTpdf - 1.29 MB1.29 MBDownload
2015/02 - Vente directe sur la Bourse Européenne de l'Electricitépdf - 1.17 MB1.17 MBDownload
2015/08 - Stellungnahme Weißbuchpdf - 555.87 KB555.87 KBDownload
2017/09 - Vision for the Market Design of the Futurepdf - 1.06 MB1.06 MBDownload
2018/04 - Local Products on XBIDpdf - 166.50 KB166.50 KBDownload
2020/06 - Driving a green stimulus planpdf - 541.12 KB541.12 KBDownload
2020/09 - EEX-EPEX Stellungnahme EEG 2021pdf - 194.68 KB194.68 KBDownload
2020/09 - L'intégration des renouvelables dans le marchépdf - 565.25 KB565.25 KBDownload
2020/09 - Market integration of Renewablespdf - 518.38 KB518.38 KBDownload
2020/09 - Marktintegration erneuerbarer Energienpdf - 508.78 KB508.78 KBDownload
2022/03 - EEX-EPEX Paper Energy Markets in times of turmoilpdf - 134.11 KB134.11 KBDownload
2022/05 - ACER Assessment_EPEX_EEXpdf - 172.21 KB172.21 KBDownload
2022/05 - Note politique sur la préservation du marché européenpdf - 107.78 KB107.78 KBDownload
2022/05 - Policy note Safeguarding EU power marketpdf - 101.92 KB101.92 KBDownload
2022/06 - EPEX SPOT Policy Recommendations 2030pdf - 7.48 MB7.48 MBDownload
2022/06 - EPEX SPOT Politikempfehlungen 2030pdf - 7.50 MB7.50 MBDownload
2022/06 - EPEX SPOT Recommendations politiques 2030pdf - 7.44 MB7.44 MBDownload
2022/06 - Policy recommendations Flexibilitypdf - 1.15 MB1.15 MBDownload
2022/06 - Policy recommendations GOspdf - 1.51 MB1.51 MBDownload
2022/06 - Policy recommendations Market Couplingpdf - 2.46 MB2.46 MBDownload
2022/06 - Policy recommendations Price Signalspdf - 1.65 MB1.65 MBDownload
2022/06 - Policy recommendations RES Integrationpdf - 1.54 MB1.54 MBDownload
2022/09 - Helping vulnerable consumers now, while ensuring investments in the futurepdf - 119.97 KB119.97 KBDownload
2022/12 - Policy recommendations Market Designpdf - 202.87 KB202.87 KBDownload
2023/04 - EEX-EPEX Assessment of EU Electricity Market Design Reformpdf - 35.94 KB35.94 KBDownload
2023/05 - Dangers of Shared Order Bookspdf - 328.82 KB328.82 KBDownload
2023/05 - EMD - Feedback on EU COM proposal Market Designpdf - 663.58 KB663.58 KBDownload
2023/05 - REMIT - Feedback on EU COM proposalpdf - 386.15 KB386.15 KBDownload
2023/05 - Sharing Order Books sets grave precedentpdf - 524.47 KB524.47 KBDownload
2023/07 - History and Context on SOBpdf - 42.81 KB42.81 KBDownload
2023/10 - EMD Review_Ban of Local Markets_Position Paper_EPEX-EXAA-TGEpdf - 136.22 KB136.22 KBDownload
2025/01 - Multi-market accesspdf - 185.26 KB185.26 KBDownload
Innovation & Business Development
2018/05 - Opposites Attract: Microgrids and the Pan-European Power Marketpdf - 1.98 MB1.98 MBDownload
2019/09 - EPEX SPOT-Siemens CT White paperpdf - 510.91 KB510.91 KBDownload
2020/07 - EPEX-SDIA White paper Data centers in Energy marketspdf - 183.50 KB183.50 KBDownload
2020/10 - Enera-Improving redispatch thanks to flexibility platform experiencepdf - 942.02 KB942.02 KBDownload
2024/03 - e-gate Feasibility Studypdf - 1.75 MB1.75 MBDownload
151007-Public consultation: New Energy Market Designpdf - 1.04 MB1.04 MBDownload
200319 - Consultation ARENH-EPEX SPOT-EEXPDF - 516.86 KB516.86 KBDownload
200514 - Consultation Network Codes - EPEX SPOTpdf - 147.86 KB147.86 KBDownload
200514 - EU smart sector integrationpdf - 355.13 KB355.13 KBDownload
2023/02 - EPEX SPOT Response to EMD Consultationpdf - 375.75 KB375.75 KBDownload
202309_EPEX SPOT_contribution_consultationpdf - 159.90 KB159.90 KBDownload
230213 - Consultation response EU market reformpdf - 375.75 KB375.75 KBDownload
Annual Reports - up to 2019
Annual Report 2009pdf - 2.55 MB2.55 MBDownload
Annual Report 2010pdf - 6.21 MB6.21 MBDownload
Annual Report 2011pdf - 8.10 MB8.10 MBDownload
Annual Report 2012pdf - 7.36 MB7.36 MBDownload
Annual Report 2013pdf - 5.99 MB5.99 MBDownload
Annual Report 2014pdf - 4.08 MB4.08 MBDownload
Annual Report 2015pdf - 4.76 MB4.76 MBDownload
Annual Report 2016pdf - 16.10 MB16.10 MBDownload
Annual Report 2017pdf - 5.10 MB5.10 MBDownload
Annual Report 2018pdf - 9.39 MB9.39 MBDownload
Annual Report 2019pdf - 24.32 MB24.32 MBDownload
Annual Reports - EEX Group
EEX Group Annual Report 2014pdf - 4.02 MB4.02 MBDownload
EEx Group Annual Report 2016pdf - 3.90 MB3.90 MBDownload
EEX Group Annual Report 2017pdf - 3.37 MB3.37 MBDownload
EEX Group Annual Report 2018pdf - 4.05 MB4.05 MBDownload
EEX Group Annual Report 2019pdf - 2.70 MB2.70 MBDownload
EEX Group Annual Report 2020pdf - 1.54 MB1.54 MBDownload
2021/12 - Rectification Monopolies Commissionpdf - 265.12 KB265.12 KBDownload
2021/12 - Richtigstellung Monopollkommissionpdf - 280.15 KB280.15 KBDownload
22/08 - Stellungnahme Bundesregierungpdf - 230.56 KB230.56 KBDownload
230612 - Counterstatement NZKart Issue 4/2023pdf - 334.94 KB334.94 KBDownload
Rules, Fees & Processes
Market Rules
Exchange Council Elections 2024
Holiday calendar
Power Auction Processes
Market access
Trading products
Trading brochure
Nordic Markets
Polish Market
Future-to-Spot Service
Market Data
Technical specifications
ETS API Light package V1.5zip - 4.63 MB4.63 MBDownload
Intraday Continuous Market Orders - File Specificationspdf - 668.67 KB668.67 KBDownload
M7 API Light package V1.4zip - 2.70 MB2.70 MBDownload
sFTP ftp.epexspot.com technical specificationspdf - 712.25 KB712.25 KBDownload
Speedwell EPEX Indices - Historical File Specifications (Winter 2023)pdf - 1.69 MB1.69 MBDownload
General Conditions of Data Use
Webinars & Workshops
Fallback procedures & incident management