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The content of the Website is to be used exclusively for internal reasons. Commercial usage is only allowed after explicit approval of EPEX SPOT. Please click here for General Conditions of Data Use.

Dynamic Pricing License for Electricity Retailers

With the increase of renewable energy production and a strong commitment towards decarbonization, Dynamic Energy Tariffs based on EPEX SPOT Indices are widely offered to allow the final consumers to optimise their energy consumption based on the wholesale market price.  

Why use EPEX SPOT indices for Dynamic Pricing?

EPEX SPOT’s range of indices has established itself as a reliable price reference, thanks to the high membership diversity, the market liquidity and flexible product offering. Additionally, the EPEX SPOT Market Surveillance division ensures at all time the integrity and transparency of these high-quality price indices. 

Dynamic Pricing License

For Electricity retailers, EPEX SPOT has developed a specific turnkey-license, authorizing the usage of price indices for Dynamic Tariffs. The License consists of the following: 

  1. The reference price index: While the Day-Ahead Auction price is a widely used price reference, the Intraday Auction price or also the Indices of the Continuous Intraday Market could be used as well. 

  1. Data format: Depending on your preferences and needs, our data is available either in csv format (data for the current year, past years), published on a sftp server, or real-time through an API. 

  1. Dynamic Pricing License: The license is applicable per country of establishment of your customers. 

  1. Specific authorisations: With this specific License, you are authorised to use EPEX SPOT data to offer Dynamic Pricing to your customers, and to display the data in the private section of your website, accessible to your customers.  



Electricity Retailers offering Dynamic Tariffs

Company Country Contact Website
ANWB B.V. Netherlands

 Contact: Lars Smit 

 Email: lsmit@anwb.nl

 (ANWB Energie)


Aplus Energy GmbH


 Mail: hallo@ostrom.de


aWATTar GmbH Austria / Germany

 Contact: Roman Weber

 Email: roman.weber@awattar.com

 Phone: +4366033277593

 AT: +43 1 3865050
 DE: +49 89 12085217

ESWE Versorgungs AG Germany

 Email: markus.schwarz@eswe.com

evd energieversorgung dormagen gmbh Germany

 Contact: Jörg Rose

 Email: joerg.rose@evd-dormagen.de

 Phone: 02133/97122

EWR Germany

 Contact: Tim Jansen

 Email: t.jansen@ewr-gmbh.de 

 Phone: 02191 16-4510


Mann Naturenergie GmbH & Co.KG

Germany  Email: Thomas.solbach@mann-  energie.de 

 Phone: 02661-626217

NaturStromHandel GmbH Germany

 Email: kundenservice@naturstrom.de

 Phone: 0211 779 00 - 300


Prokon Regenerative Energien eG Germany

 Email: dialog@prokon.net

 Phone: +49 4821 6855 0

Proviridis France 

 Contact: Francois-Régis Déhéry

 Email: energy@enrv.fr / 


 Phone: +33 6 50 79 19 11


Scharr Wärme GmbH & Co.KG Germany

 Contact: Anna Zeyer

 Email: a.zeyer@scharr-waerme.de

 Phone: 0711 78683117

Sonnenstrom Saarpfalz OHG Germany

 Contact: Marc Kratz

 Email: marc.kratz@sonnenstrom-saarpfalz.de

 Phone: +49 176 83128517

Stadtwerke Baden-Baden Germany

 Contact: Vertrieb

 Email: vertrieb@swbad.de

 Phone: +49 7221 277 7134
Stadtwerke Bad Wörishofen Germany

Contact: Ingo Weber

 Email: weber@swbw.de

 Phone: +4982479673720

Stadtwerke Bühl GmbH Germany

 Contact: Andreas Anton

 Email: andreas.anton@stadtwerke- buehl.de

 Phone: +497223 946 122

Stadtwerke Duisburg AG Germany

 Contact: Ramona Kaiser

 Email: KaiserR@dvv.de

 Phone: +49 203 604 2583

Stadtwerke Eschwege GmbH Germnay

 Contact: Peter Stöber

 Email: p.stoeber@stadtwerke-eschwege.de 

 Phone: +49 5651 807231
Stadtwerke Forst GmbH Germany

 Contact: Daniel Schmidt

 Email: d.schmidt@stadtwerke-forst.de

 Phone: +49 352 950 200

Stadtwerke Ludwigsburg-Kornwestheim GmbH Germany

 Contact: Kundencenter

 Email: kundencenter@swlb.de

 Phone: 07141 910-2099

Stadtwerke Neustadt an der Weinstraße Germany  Email: Gernot_grimm@swneustadt.de 
Stadtwerke Schweinfurt GmbH Germany

 Contact: Matthias Volk

 Email: kundenservice@stadtwerke-sw.de

 Phone: +49 9721 931-400

Stadtwerke Soltau GmbH  Germany

 Email: privatkunden@sw-soltau.de

 Phone: +49 5191 84-0

Stadtwerke Witten GmbH Germany

 Contact: Miram Wirges

 Email: miriam.wirges@stadtwerke-witten.de

 Phone: +491703190910

Wirtschaftsbetriebe der Stadt Norden GmbH Germany

 Email: vertrieb@stadtwerke-norden.de

 Phone: 04931 – 926 444



Software Providers for Electricity Retailers offering Dynamic Tariffs

Company Country Contact Website
endica GmbH Germany

 Contact: Mirko Tauber

 Email: mirko.tauber@endica.de

Exnaton Germany

 Contact: Anselma Wörner

 Email: anselma@exnaton.com


GATES Utility Services GmbH Germany

 Contact: Jannik Weichert

 Email: Weichert@gates-services.de    

 Phone: 0251 9243190

GET AG Germany  

 Contact: Robert Reinsch

 Email: robert.reinsch@get-ag.com

 Phone: +49 (0)160 377 4269


iS Software GmbH Germany

 Email: vertrieb@kraftwerk.io

 Phone: +49 941 46452-0

msu solutions GmbH Germany

 Email: vertrieb@msu-solutions.de

 Phone: +49 (345) 27 99 04-0

Preisenergie  GmbH Germany

 Contact: Markus Stadler

 Email: markus.stadler@preisenergie.de

SOPTIM AG  Germany

 Contact: Frank Bremen

 Email: vertrieb@soptim.de

 Phone: +49 (241) 40023-0



Get in touch

If you wish to offer Dynamic Tariffs to your customers based on EPEX SPOT Indices, please contact us to get started. Simply fill in the form below or contact us directly at marketdata.sales@epexspot.com and we will reach out to you swiftly. 

01 - Which Market Data are you searching for?

02 - Which market area(s) are of interest to you?

03 - Through which transmission medium would you like to retrieve the data?

04 - How would you use the data?

Share your contact details to receive the answer!

By sending this message, you agree to the use of your data according to our data privacy policy and EPEX SPOT SE undertakes to protect it according to said policy. You have the right at any time to access, rectify and delete data concerning you:

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