Harmonized Admission Process EPEX SPOT–EEX
Paris/Leipzig, 09/09/2010 – The fifth meeting of EPEX Spot Exchange Council chaired by Dr. Günther Rabensteiner was held on September 7, 2010 in Paris. The main topics discussed were:
- Harmonized admission process EPEX Spot – EEX
- French and German Intraday market harmonized in November 2010
The Exchange Council took note of harmonizing the process between EPEX Spot and EEX of admitting new members to the exchange. The aim is to prevent the situation where candidates are being admitted at one of the exchanges but not at the other, due to different criteria. Objective admission criteria will be set up with the help of a common scoring model in order to determine the reliability of a prospect. In so doing, EPEX Spot and EEX are raising the awareness that by not admitting suspicious candidates, the risk of reputation loss of the markets due to potential VAT fraud and money laundering can be avoided. The creation of a common decision committee is envisaged.
The Exchange Council members discussed the daily index on the French Intraday market that is published on the EPEX Spot website since 15 June 2009. The index will be available also for the German Intraday market in November. It is a volume-weighted average of the price of all transactions for a certain delivery hour. Baseload and Peakload indices will also be published. The French and German Intraday markets will be harmonized in November when the ComXerv trading system will be deployed on the French Intraday Market. Regarding the Intraday cross-border facility, the Exchange Council decided to add a new chapter to the Exchanges Rules allowing its implementation in Q4 2010.
The Exchange Council members discussed thoroughly the different market coupling projects EPEX Spot is involved in. They welcomed the efforts to keep the planned date for a combined launch of CWE-Nordic Interim Tight Volume Coupling (ITVC) solution and the CWE price coupling solution on 9 November 2010.
EPEX Spot SE is a Paris-based company under European law (Societas Europae) with a branch in Leipzig. EEX and Powernext each hold 50 percent in the joint company, in which they integrated their entire spot power trading activities. The product range of EPEX Spot SE encompasses spot power trading (day ahead and intraday) for Germany, Austria, France, and Switzerland. These countries account for more than one third of the European power consumption. In 2009, 203 TWh were traded on the EPEX Spot power markets.