UK Day-ahead grows by 44.4%
Swiss Intraday registers 41.7% growth rate year on year
Amsterdam / Bern / Brussels / Leipzig / London / Paris / Vienna, 04 September 2017. In August 2017, a total volume of 44.0 TWh was traded on EPEX SPOT’s Day-Ahead and Intraday power markets (August 2016: 41.6 TWh). Total spot volumes grew by 5.9% year on year.
Day-Ahead markets
In August 2017, power trading on the Day-Ahead markets on EPEX SPOT accounted for 37,902,392 MWh (August 2016: 36,548,110 MWh). The UK Day-ahead market displayed a 44.4% growth rate year on year, with 4,256,401 MWh traded in August 2017.
Prices in Central Western Europe, connected within the Multiregional Coupling, converged 66% of the time (August 2016: 58%).
Intraday markets
On the EPEX SPOT Intraday markets, a total volume of 6,111,728 MWh was traded in August 2017 (August 2016: 5,017,959 MWh). The Swiss Intraday market reached a record with 264,336 MWh traded, which represents a year on year growth rate of 41.7%. Further records were registered on the Belgian and Dutch continuous market, with 125,760 MWh and 185,246 MWh respectively. This represents a 207.4% growth rate year on year for Belgian, and a 244.3% growth rate for Dutch Intraday trading. The German 15-minute auction saw a record volume of 459,847 MWh traded in August 2017.
In August, cross-border trades represented 30.6% of the total continuous intraday volume in Germany, France, Netherlands, Belgium, Austria and Switzerland. 15-minute contracts represented 11.9% of the volume traded on the German, Austrian and Swiss continuous Intraday markets.
New members
In August, EPEX SPOT welcomed Illumia trend S.r.l. and EP UK Investments Ltd. as new members to the exchange.
The European Power Exchange EPEX SPOT SE and its affiliates operate physical short-term electricity markets in Central Western Europe and the United Kingdom. The creation of a pan-European power market is what defines EPEX SPOT’s mission. In 2016, its 278 members traded 529 TWh – a third of the domestic consumption in the eight countries covered. 49% of its equity is held by HGRT, a holding of transmission system operators. EPEX SPOT is part of EEX Group. For more information, please visit