Monthly Power Trading Results of January 2025
5 February 2025.
- A total volume of 82.6 TWh was traded on EPEX SPOT markets in January 2025 (January 2024: 74.1 TWh).
EPEX Day-Ahead™
- Power trading on the Day-Ahead markets on EPEX SPOT accounted for 61,815.5 GWh (January 2024: 56,984.9 GWh).
- The Day-Ahead market has reached a new monthly record in Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Great Britain, the Netherlands and Switzerland.
EPEX Intraday™
- On the EPEX SPOT Intraday markets, a total volume of 20,803.3 GWh was traded (January 2024: 17,122.0 GWh).
- The Intraday market has reached a new record traded volume in continuous in Austria, Germany, Great Britain, and Poland, and auction in Austria, Denmark, France and Great Britian.
EPEX Origin™
- In January 2025, 613.5 GWh were traded on the monthly auction for Guarantees of Origin.
EPEX Capacity™
- In 2024, a total of 47.7 GW were traded on the French Capacity Market. Order books for the next French capacity auction will close on 6.3.2025 and will cover the years 2022 and 2026.
EPEX SPOT celebrated a new milestone: 100k live assets connected to the Local Flexibility Market, operated by EPEX SPOT on behalf of UK Power Networks Distribution System Operator (DSO), illustrating the scale of potential that Local Flexibility markets bring to System Operators (SOs) based on a performant system solution.
More details on volumes and prices are available in the enclosed report from page 4. Please note that volumes are calculated by using the common industry standard in electricity and exchange business: For auction trading, the one-sided Market Clearing Volume is listed. For continuous trading, the aggregated sell & buy volume is divided by 2.
In January, EPEX SPOT welcomed Akereos Commodities Limited and Natixis SA as new members to the Exchange.
The European Power Exchange EPEX SPOT operates physical electricity markets for the largest trading community in Europe, with over 400 companies connected to our platforms. Committed to innovation, we deliver a full range of services across the value chain of electricity trading, with the highest standards of performance. Our gateway of market solutions include Day-Ahead, Intraday and After-market power trading, Capacity and Guarantees of Origin (GOs) auctions, Local Flexibility and Data services.
Building on its unique expertise as a co-creator of the Internal Energy Market for electricity, EPEX SPOT’s services span over 19 countries: From power trading across Central Western Europe, the United Kingdom, Switzerland, the Nordics and Poland to Market Operation services in Ireland, Hungary, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia and Slovenia. In the environmental market, EPEX SPOT’s Pan-European GOs auctions cover a scope of 22 countries.
As part of EEX Group, a group of companies serving international commodity markets, EPEX SPOT enables a price-responsive power system, to achieve a competitive and climate neutral Europe. 49% of its equity is held by a holding of major European Transmission System Operators.
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